About Us | Unique Families' Journey Inc
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About Us

The organization provides a supportive network for families, offering resources and assistance.
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Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, Inc.

The purpose of Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, Inc. is to empower, educate, and advocate for black and brown families and children with exceptional needs so they can better access educational support and resources to close the existing gaps in the education system. Unique Families’ Journey values embracing every family uniqueness with integrity, compassion, understanding,  accountability and authenticity.

The vision of Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, Inc is to empower children and families regionally and globally and help them access high quality education in alignment with their unique needs. 

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Our mission is to empower parents of children in special education with the tools and confidence to speak up for their kids’ needs through self-advocacy, coaching,  mentoring, training, and community support. Together, we can ensure that every child receives the education they deserve.

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Meet the Founder, Kierra A. Edwards

Kierra A. Edwards grew up in New Haven, CT, and had a tough time when she was young. Her family struggled with many issues, and her home life was often difficult. She also found school challenging because she had ADHD, but she didn’t know it yet. Kierra faced many challenges, but she learned to be strong and to have faith.

When Kierra found out she had ADHD, everything started to make sense. She understood why school and certain things were so hard. Later, when she became a mom, her children had some of the same challenges. With help from educational advocates, Kierra has been able to get services to help her children thrive. This experience made Kierra want to help other families like hers and is why she started Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, Inc. This foundation helps families with special needs by teaching parents how to help their children and by giving them support.

In addition to her role as founder, Kierra is a community health worker, trained parent advocate, and is currently pursuing a human service degree with a concentration in child and family studies.Kierra’s life changed a lot when she became more open about asking for help and learning about her faith in a new way. She believes in being kind to yourself and others, and in asking for help when you need it. Her work with the foundation is all about helping children and their families get the support they need to do well. Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, Inc., is all about making sure every family and child feels supported and understood, no matter what challenges they may face. Kierra Edwards is excited to help and make a difference for unique families throughout Connecticut.

Kierra A. Edwards