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Peer Support Community for Parents of Unique Children

Empowering Connecticut Families with Special Education Advocacy
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Community Support

Being a parent to a child with special needs comes with its own set of unique challenges. Every day brings new hurdles to overcome, from doctor’s appointments to making sure they get the support they need in school. But it’s also a journey filled with love, strength, and determination to help your child thrive.

At Unique Families’ Journey Foundation, we know what it’s like to be a parent of a child with special needs. We know about the tough times, the good times, and the support systems you need to help along the way. Join us as we share stories and celebrate incredible parents who work to support their children with special needs.

You are not alone on your journey. We know the questions and struggles you face. 

  • Do you ever feel discouraged trying to make decisions? 
  • Do you sometimes feel lost as you search for options? 
  • Do you feel overwhelmed as you navigate support services?
  • Do you feel frustrated trying to understand the government regulations and state laws?

Does your mental health feel strained by caregiver responsibilities?

The Unique Families’ Journey Foundation is here to be the helpline you need. Our parent support group can be just what you are looking for. It’s like a club just for families like yours, where you can get help and advice when you need it most.

Joining this group means you’re part of an online family where everyone understands what you’re going through. We understand the world of disabilities and special needs. It’s like hanging out with friends who really get it, and you can share stories, ask questions, and support each other.

You will also find webinars where experts talk about topics like how to help your child at school or take care of your own feelings. Then, you can ask questions and address your specific concerns.So, if you ever feel stuck or unsure about how to help your child, remember that The Unique Families’ Journey Foundation is your safe space. We’re here to help. We are dedicated to advocacy and family support to make sure you find support and empowerment. You are supporting your child. We want to support you as you do.

people making heart shapes with their hands

When you become a part of our parent support group, you’ll get to join in on lots of great things. We have a schedule full of events for our members, like online hangouts, workshops, and special meetings. You’ll never feel like you’re on your own because there are people here who understand what you’re going through.

There are other parents dealing with the ups and downs of supporting a child with special needs, facing the same challenges you face. We have felt the same emotions as you and are here to help. We’re here to make sure you have all the information you need, from support services to health care. Your well-being and the well-being of your family is our common goal.

Whether your child is a preschooler, adolescent, or young adult, we believe every child deserves the chance to thrive, and we’re here to help you find the options that will make that happen. Conditions like autism, ADHD, or struggles with mental illness are all too common. You are not alone in your journey. So, if you ever feel lost or confused, remember that you’re part of a community that’s here to support you every step of the way.

all hands together

Joining our parent support group is really easy. It’s available on Facebook. You can connect with other parents of children with special needs, ask questions, and get the help you need.

You’re probably already using social media, but it’s important to know that not everyone there understands what you’re going through. It’s likely they will not be able to answer your questions or know how you feel. But when you join our parent support Facebook group, you’ll be with people who understand what it’s like because they’ve been there, too.

The collective wisdom of our parent group becomes your resource center. These are parents who have faced the same things you’re facing and may have some great things to share. So, if you ever feel like you need someone who gets it, remember you can find them in our group. Join us and be a part of a community that cares.

paper cutout of a family

Meet Kierra A. Edwards, the Founder of The Unique Families’ Journey Foundation. She went through tough times in school because of her Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). When she became a mom, she saw her daughter struggling with the same things. Kierra knew school could be hard for kids with ADHD, so she wanted her daughter to get the right help.

Kierra didn’t give up. She talked to experts who knew how to help kids like her daughter. She worked hard to make sure her daughter got the support she needed at school, like a special plan called an IEP. With Kierra’s help, her daughter started improving and feeling happier in school.

Now, we want to help families like yours, too. You can join our online support group and become one of our success stories. Let’s work together to make sure your child gets the community support they need to thrive in school. 

family walking on the beach

We’re thrilled to let you know about some incredible events coming up just for members of our parent support group. We’ve put together a series of events designed to be what you need to support your journey. We have virtual meetups where you can chat with other parents like you, and we’ve got workshops packed with helpful information.

So grab your calendar. It’s time to write down some important dates. You won’t want to miss out on what we’ve got for you. Important information, vital support, and maybe even some new friends are waiting for you.

Elder community members

Frequently Asked Questions

A parent support group is like a safe and friendly place where moms and dads can come together to talk, share their stories, and help each other out. It’s all about giving support and advice to each other, especially when things get tough with your children. These groups are here to understand how you feel and to make sure you are never alone in your parenting journey.

Anyone who could use support and understanding can join a support group. Support groups can be helpful to anyone in every walk of life, but they can be especially helpful to parents supporting a child with special needs. There are unique challenges when dealing with special needs education, and support groups can be the support you need. They’re also good for family members and friends who want to learn more and better support their loved ones.

It’s easy! Once you join our group, you’ll find lots of valuable items. You’ll have access to all sorts of things that can help you with your child. Jump in and start exploring.

Meetings are friendly gatherings where you can chat with other parents, share stories, and learn new things. The people at our meetings are navigating the same system that you are and will understand how it feels. You’ll be supported and maybe even have some new ideas to try at home.

Everyone’s input is valuable here. You can share your own experiences, give advice to other parents, or join in on group activities. If you’re good at something, like organizing events or being a facilitator, we’d love to have you help.

The Perfect Time to Join

Here’s your chance to join our parent support group. If you’re a parent of a child with special needs, we want you to be part of this team supporting each other. We know you can use extra support and advice, and this group will give you all you need. Parenting always has its ups and downs, but parenting a child with special needs has unique challenges. We’re here to help you navigate those challenges. We support you as you support your child.

Don’t wait any longer – click the link below to join us today:

You don’t have to go through this journey alone. Join our community, and let’s support each other every step of the way.